Faith over Fear

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Often times we as people go through things, circumstances, and situations that we are not so used to. It causes us to have a variety of a long list of feelings. We may become, stressed, sad, upset, depressed or we may feel that we need to isolate ourselves depending on our situation. In the situation you maybe facing it is so important that we do not allow our fear to challenge or interrupt our FAITH in God. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 31:8 “He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." So no matter what you are facing God has, will, and is with you no matter the time frame.

In 2013, when I received the news that I was diagnosed with cancer, I'm going to be brutally my faith was tested, and fear began to come upon me. Never in my life had I received such news as I received on December 10th, 2013, but as I began to go through the process of chemo and even radiation, God kept me daily and helped me put my FAITH over Fear.

Share Your Questions & Thoughts

Looking back over your life, reflect on the following questions

  • In what ways do you feel like your faith has been tested by God?

  • In this situation What ways did you not allow your Fear to deteriorate your faith?


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