God’s Got It



In life we as people worry, stress, and doubt about things that we as people can not control, but why? Why worry about things that we can not control!? Do you think that worrying will change the situation? Do you think that worrying, stressing and doubting will make the situation better?? I know that things may get tough, and that you think they will not get better but let me assure you GOD’s GOT IT

Sometimes I worry…

Some days I worry, Honestly with everything that I have been through with the after effects of cancer at the age of 24, the challenges and every battle that I have faced sometimes I worry, I stress, and sometimes I doubt God. Yes thats right, it happens I am human just like the next person, but that does not mean I don’t believe and trust God! With what I am currently facing right now, it seems as if it is beyond me. The last few weeks, months, actually the whole year has been truly a challenging journey for me. How you may ask? Seems as if every time I get out of one thing, here comes something else. At the beginning of the year I was unable to eat anything by mouth because of the damaging after effects of cancer and radiation. It worried me, it stressed me, to the point that 2 times out of all of the evaluations that I had I began to shed tears because of what I was dealing with! To understand what I was experiencing you would have to actually be in my shoes to understand! Not being able to eat for a total of 6 months! THAT IS TOUGH! Imagine doing something your whole life, and then all of sudden you are told you can not do it anymore because it may harm you and put you in a life threatening position! This is what I was going through!

Real Mean Cry…

Going through what I was going through like I said, it was hard, and stressful and majority of the time I wanted to hold back the tears, but the tears kept coming. Sometimes when I began to cry parents were there to comfort me, no they did not understand fully what I was going through, but the fact in knowing that they were praying for me, and praying that things would turn around is what counted! Some may say that it is weak for a man to cry, some may say it makes you less than a real man to cry, or some may call you weak, but let me tell you something! Men are humans just as women are! Men have emotions just has women do! So it is natural to release tears! It is better release what is inside of you, rather than to continue to hold it in and it continues to build up inside of you, which will cause you even the more to worry, stress and doubt! How will that help you???

Scriptural Education

Need evidence of men crying? Check out Genesis 43:30 Joseph hurried, for his heart yearned over his brother; and he sought a place to weep. He entered into his room, and wept there. So if you have to cry, cry, if you have to weep, weep! It is natural, do not WORRY about who may see you or what they may say! Because, Guess what?? Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the morning time! So Hello! Goodmorning! It’s morning time folks!

I Shall Overcome…

What I am going through is challenging, its harsh it seems like I will not get through it! Everyday I deal with pain, yes it is frustrating! I have been dealing with this issue for 12 months, that is 1 YEAR! To be honest, there are days where I just want to stay in bed, and not get up because the pain is so unbearable but I keep going, because these things here are TEMPORARY, not Permanent! So I may be going through right now but it is all just a test of Faith! I can not allow sickness to try to overtake me! It just will not work! Going to ECU was the best thing that ever happen to me, even though there are days where I do not feel like getting out of bed, I do it anyway because I know that everyday there is someone that needs Anthony in there presence! There is someone that is counting on me to press on, and keep up the God fight of Faith! And My Presence alone is what keeps them going! Truth be told, someone has actually told me that, on my birthday and it blessed me tremendously! I give God praise for allowing me to be a blessing to so many just by my faith and even my smile as well!

You shall Overcome…

After reading today’s blog You may still feel like you will not overcome what you are going through but GOD’s Got it! God’s Got it! And Again GOD’s God it! If you need living proof or a witness just look at me! Look at what I am going through currently, what I have gone through and everything that I have face in battles the last 7 years. Surely if God did it for me, He will do the same thing for you! He has not respect of person, nor does He have or share any favorite like man would! So He has got you! So continue to fight on! Because God has the last say so in whatever you may be going through! Cancer can’t over take you, Diabetes can not overtake you, sickness can not overtake you, depression can not overtake you, Your Family can not overtake you, Your job can not overtake you, your bills and debt can not overtake you! How so Anthony??? Because God’s Got It!

I want to hear your thoughts

(Share your thoughts to 1 or more of the questions below in the comments below)

  1. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like God did not hear your prayer or what you have asked him to do?

  2. How often do you doubt, stress from what you are going through?

  3. Have you been impacted or inspired by what I have been through concerning my battles, if so how?


Knowing When Your Season is Up


While We Wait…