Knowing When Your Season is Up


Knowing Who Is Really For You?

Trees, Plants, and other living organisms go through changes. Just as the trees, plants, and all other living organisms around us go through changes and sometimes die when they are not properly taken care of, we as people go through this same process.

In all of my 24 years of living, I have gone through the most of things concerning the word “friend”. I can often hear in my mind my momma’s voice with her saying “Everybody isn’t your friend!”. It took me a long time and a lot of people to be removed from my life for me to really come to the realization that this statement is a true statement. I know that I am not the only one that is going through this. I know some of you reading this may think “Well he is crazy!” I’m not crazy! As I said I have gone through the most with the word Friend, and even the word Family. Sometimes Family isn’t family, and just because a person may be related to you by blood does not mean that they mean you any good or belong in your particular season that you are in right now. That is why it is so important that we watch who we talk to or share our information with and watch and be cautious of what we share with them!

Question To You:

Have you experienced the feeling of having people removed from your life?

If so how did you handle it? How did it make you feel?

It is never fun to have to go through the season of having to experience people being removed from your life, but whether you realize it or not it is a part of the growing process in life that WE ALL Have to go through! No one is exempt, although we may not go through the exact same issues when it comes to having someone removed from our life, it is all the same. God will often send us warning signs and send a confirmation when it comes to situations in our lives. Note: God’s word never will come without confirmation being sent or spoken to someone!

Not Being Appreciated

In this season of my life, I am learning to be a listening ear to what God has instructed me to do in my life, not what ANTHONY wants to do, but what He has instructed me to do. There have been so many times I have put my life and dreams on the line to be able to save others, and I end up getting burned badly on the other end. There have been many times when I have been not appreciated for the gifts that God has given me by the people I thought were for me, but in reality, they were talking against me and just putting my name down in the ground. When it got to that point I had to start realizing my worth and that I was worth more than how I was being treated or being appreciated.

Learning & Appreciating Your Value

Sometimes you have to learn to appreciate YOU, even when others do not or choose not to! If nobody else has told you, YOU MATTER, what you do matters! You are valued! You are Loved! Appreciate you! Appreciate You! Never allow a situation or person to determine your worth or your value! God says that you are loved! HE SAYS YOU ARE WONDERFULLY AND FEARFULLY MADE! What people say about you, is not what GOD says about you! They may talk about your gift, and have the spirit of jealously on their lips about you, but remember what they say DOES NOT MATTER! That is another important part of knowing when your season with people is up! Never settle for anything less than what God has given you, and if that means having to leave and go else where, where you are appreciated and valued more and able to express your gift as God would have you to do, then that is what you must do! Be obedient to God, but make sure that it is in the right timing as well.

Questions to You:

What message did you get out of this post?

What was your favorite part in reading this post?

What will you do better to ensure that you are protecting your value and worth from the people who are not respecting it?

What is important to you when it comes to your worth and value?


Cease the Moment


God’s Got It