Learning to Let Go (Copy)
At some point we all have those things and people that we love dearly. We love them to death as they say. We love them so much that we’d do anything to be able to please them and make sure that they themselves are happy. But what about your happiness? Do you take in consideration that YOUR HAPPINESS Matters as well? If you have not, then let me tell you that it does.
My Backstory
For the past few years I have constantly disappointed myself by entrusting my faith and trust into people who don’t have or carry the same ounce or compassion for me, that I have for them. Not only hearing that, but seeing it in a visual in reality hurts. I find that the statement “Actions Speak Louder than words” is true, because the way people feel about you comes from their actions that they do towards you and about you. It goes both ways in any relationship that you are in, whether it is a family member, spouse, or friend. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying that we should treat people exactly how they treat us by their actions or words. What I am saying is that we should treat people how we would like to be treated. Grant it, I know it is hard to care for someone, and then realize they do not want anything to do with you in the end. It is almost like chasing something or someone that you will never possess. Now that is something to answer for.
Letting Go
It is easier said than done, but in the end if we want to have a stressfree life, we are going to have to learn to let God. There are moments that I myself want to go back and try to add these people back to my life in hopes that maybe the situation concerning the person has changed. I am a fair person. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes, well majority of the time when we give people the benefit of the doubt thinking that the outcome will be different from the first or the second time knowing that it wont, we put ourselves in jeporday and add more stress to what we already have going on. I am not afraid to admit that this has been me (IT HAS BEEN). I think people see that because of everything that I have been through with cancer, they think that they can use that as a motive to use and take advantage of me. I serve notice to each individual that IT JUST WONT WORK! Those days are over. I have learned the concept of “Let Go & Let God”! God is our creator, He knows us better than our own mother and father! He knows us to the point that only He knows the number of hairs that are on our head! He even knows our DNA! So why try to fix what you did not create? Let Go and Let God! Because can’t Nobody fix it like He can, Nobody can Heal a relationship like He can.
I know that Sometimes it may hurt to see the person that you would like to connect to be in your life, trust me there are some people that I have tried all of my sources to be able to connect to, but after so many failed attempts it did not work. So my motto is “If God don’t do it, it just wont get done”. In other words if it is meant to be, God will make the necessary arrangements for the relationship to be restored.
Stop Chasing What God does not have aligned within your destined path! He knows all and He Sees all!
Consult God in all you do, and even in your relationships that you are in now, whether you are married, engaged, single or have relationships with Family! There is never a wrong time for prayer, because God is Lord of all of us whether we realize it or not.